I'm living my best life...are you?
I don't know about you, but I had to stop watching the news! Why do you ask? Because that mess is toxic. It was leaving me sad, anxious and in my feelings all the time. I can't live like that! I can't live in a constant state of being uneasy. While I am aware of most things going on (thanks fb and friends) I just decided not to be consumed by it.
I know a lot of people that put so many people and things above any and everything that would bring them joy. I'm guilty of doing the same thing. But as I get older, I've gotten better and better at finding and enjoying things that bring me joy.
Just recently Boyz II Men was in town and because I LOVE THEM I went to go see them. Going to the concert made me think about how so many like to get on me for going to concerts. But why? Why does it matter what I do with my money and time if it brings ME happiness? Which then made me think of how I've criticized others about things they've posted or said because I didn't understand it or it didn't do anything for me. What's the point to that??? Shouldn't we ALL do things we want to relax, laugh, smile etc?? DISCLAIMER: I do draw the line! It should be legal and not causing any harm to yourself or the people you directly relate to.

I also work A LOT. I mean every single weekend is dedicated to work or kids (most times both). Easter weekend I made plans to take myself on a little getaway to regroup. I seriously canceled that reservation twice. Even on the day I was to check in, I was going to cancel again. "WTHECK is wrong with you", I thought. After some convincing from my girlfriend, I went. I'm sooooo happy I did. The room was beautiful. It was on the top floor. It had a panoramic view of the surrounding cities and a big ole comfy bed. I didn't do anything but chill in the chaise lounge staring out the window (ok I did edit a little), took a nice long nap, drank coffee, and just relaxed.. It was the best!!!

I'm saying all this to say, forget what ANYONE has to say about you, or the things that bring you joy. You've heard it before, life is short. Get out there and enjoy it! Let them talk about you (cause they will), just make sure you are living your best life because I truly am!
Until next time...
Say Cheese!!